Hey, fairies! Halloween is coming and to celebrate, you’ll find in your Winx Avatar ‘s wardrobe a new terrific dress(mine!), lots of ...

Winx Avatar! Here are the new outfits for Halloween! Winx Avatar! Here are the new outfits for Halloween!

Winx Avatar! Here are the new outfits for Halloween!

Winx Avatar! Here are the new outfits for Halloween!

Winx Avatar! Here are the new outfits for Halloween!

Hey, fairies! Halloween is coming and to celebrate, you’ll find in your Winx Avatar ‘s wardrobe a new terrific dress(mine!), lots of accessories, a new background and a magical jack-o’-lantern, to have a perfect look for the scariest holiday of the year!

Go and look for all of them in your Winx Avatar’s wardrobe and, if you haven’t got an Avatar yet, create one immediately!

Happy HalloWinx!!!

¡Hey, pequeñas hadas! ¡Halloween está a la vuelta de la esquina y para celebrarlo, en el armario de vuestro Winx Avatar, tenéis un nuevo traje espeluznante (¡el mío!), muchos complementos, un nuevo fondo y una calabaza mágicapara conseguir un look perfecto para la fiesta más aterradora del año! 

Id todas corriendo a buscarlos en el armario de vuestro Winx Avatar y, si aún no habéis creado uno, ¡empezad ya! 

¡¡¡Feliz HalloWinx!!!