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En Italia y en algunos países de América se la conoce como Aisha, es el  hada de los fluidos  y la  princesa del planeta Andros , ya qu...

Layla/Aisha Layla/Aisha

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


En Italia y en algunos países de América se la conoce como Aisha, es el hada de los fluidos y la princesa del planeta Andros, ya que es hija del rey Teredor y la reina Niobe. Nació el 15 de junio, su signo de hada es Quimera y su símbolo identificativo son las olas. 

Ella llega en la segunda temporada a Magix. Se hace amiga de las Winx, pero en especial de Musa ya que las dos se comprenden mutuamente y comparten el gusto por la música y el baile; también la admira por su fuerza y valentía. En la tercera temporada se tiene que casar con Nabu, hijo de una familia noble de Andros, pero ella conoce a un chico llamado Ophir del cual se enamora, que resultó ser Nabu disfrazado para conocer más a fondo a su prometida, pues él tampoco quería casarse con una desconocida. Al final resulta que los dos se enamoran y se vuelven novios casi al final de la tercera temporada. Es orgullosa y decidida. 

Su Pixie es Piff, es solo un bebé, la Pixie de los sueños. Le gusta practicar deporte. Obtiene su poder Charmix cuando vence su miedo a la soledad. Es la primera en obtener su Enchantix, lo obtiene cuando prefiere salvar a la Reina de las Sirenas, Ligea, de Andros que volver a ver la luz (ya que se quedó ciega, cosa que soluciona con su polvo de hada Enchantix). En la cuarta temporada, consigue el Believix con las demás Winx cuando Roxy cree que son hadas. También Nabu muere al salvar a las hadas de Morgana (reina de las hadas y madre de Roxy), por venganza Layla se une a Nébula para vencer a los magos del Círculo Negro, pero después se une a las Winx y destruyen todas junto a Nébula a los magos del Círculo Negro. En la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas. Y conoce a un chico muy amable llamado Roy. Pero en la sexta temporada conoce a Nex, y Layla se pone indecisa porque no sabe quién le gusta en realidad. Obtiene su Bloomix con Stella en un acto de valentía y su Mythix con las demás cuando obtienen los cetros Mythix. En la séptima temporada obtiene el Butterflyx junto con las demás después de derrotar a un monstruo en el pasado, y obtiene su Tynix junto con las demás que fue dado por sus animales hada. Al final se queda con Nex y llevan una excelente relación.

Aisha is the Fairy of Waves. She is able to control and manipulate a pink fluid called Morphix to take on any shape and form she chooses. Aisha is the princess of the planet Andros, which is a water planet. The mermaids are faithful allies of Aisha's parents and they help to protect the planet. She is rebellious, genuine, loves all sorts of sports and all types of dance, faces every difficulty head on and has a pure heart of gold. She is also a little bit of an idealist and always on the move. But she can get a bit angry sometimes. Aisha is more of an athlete, a fighter, dancer and wind-raider rider compared to the rest of the group. She is the strongest of the group. She joins the Winx in season 2 and brings her pixie friends along with her whom the Winx later bond with. Her pixie is Piff, the pixie of sweet dreams, who quite frequently helps her with her troubling nightmares. Her magical pet is Milly, a white rabbit and her bonded selkie is Lemmy, the keeper of the gate of Andros. She was Nabu's fianceé, but when Nabu saved the Warrior Earth fairies, he went into a coma-like state and later on he died. Because of this, Aisha joined the Warrior Earth Fairies to avenge her beloved's death, but she eventually returned to the Winx after they and Nebula defeated the wizards. Her hobbies include sports and dance, and she also loves horses. Her best friend is Flora. She is a professional-level dancer. She is the third powerful fairy. Her signature colors are turquoise, aqua, aquamarine, bubble gum pink, cerulean, and lime green. In season 5, it is revealed its main villain, Tritannus, is Aisha's cousin and she develops a special relationship with Roy. In season 6, she and Nex start having feelings for each other. She has medium brown skin tone, long naturally flowy, curly and wavy brown knee-length hair and cerulean eyes.

Comida favorita: Pasta
Color favorito: Naranja
Pasatiempo favorito: ¡Hacer deporte!
Mascota favorita: Los caballos
Novio Ideal: Nabu...
Mejores amigos: ¡Flora y Nabu!
Películas favoritas: Películas de aventuras
Me encanta: Nadar, nadar y nadar
Odio: Elaboración de pociones
Música favorita: Rap, pop, hip-hop
Zapatos favoritos: Zapatillas deportivas
Asignatura favorita: Gimnasia Mágica y clases de baile
Hechizo favorito: Morphix

Hada de la tecnología .  Nació el 16 de diciembre en Zenith , su signo de hada es Tritón y su símbolo identificativo es un diamante.  ...

Tecna Tecna

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Hada de la tecnologíaNació el 16 de diciembre en Zenith, su signo de hada es Tritón y su símbolo identificativo es un diamante. 

En la segunda temporada se convierte en novia de Timmy, quien estuvo enamorado de ella durante la primera temporada. Es una chica muy activa y organizada, que la mayoría de las veces impone el deber y la lógica a sus sentimientos. Tecna se preocupa por los demás antes que por ella. 

Su Pixie es Digit, la Pixie de la tecnología. Le gusta inventar y crear cosas nuevas, ordenar su cuarto, usar su ordenador y jugar a videojuegos. Consigue su Charmix cuando le dice a Timmy lo que siente por él. Es la quinta en obtener su Enchantix, lo obtiene cuando cierra el portal entre Andros y la dimensión Omega, sacrificándose temporalmente y salvando así Andros, planeta de Layla. Más tarde, Bloom y Sky logran encontrarla. En la cuarta temporada consigue el Believix con las demás Winx cuando Roxy cree que son hadas. En la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas. Sus mejores amigas son Musa y Flora. Su cabello es corto (a diferencia de las demás Winx) y un color entre morado y rosa. Su nombre proviene de la palabra tecnología.

She is the Fairy of Technology. She has white skin tone, short magenta hair and teal eyes. Tecna is smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, gifted, and loves all kinds of technology. She is from the planet Zenith and draws her magical abilities from technological and energetic sources. Her self-confidence and perfectionist ways make most of her knowledge of science, which in turn makes her the "go-to" girl for creating devices to get herself and her friends out of trouble. Tecna loves to discover and master the latest video games, gadgets and computer programs. Sometimes she gets engrossed with technology, and her enthusiasm with technology can be annoying. But she is always practical, beautiful and logical, sometimes to a fault. Tecna sometimes has trouble expressing her emotions and bases the majority of her decisions on pure logic, but in the second and third seasons, she learns to get over that and is more open, friendly and more selfless and truly caring towards her friends, even if she doesn't show it often. In the fifth season, Tecna's darker version was shown when the Trix cursed/sabotaged her cellphone and she was turned to a robot. Her pixie is Digit, the pixie of Nanotechnology and her pixie was changed in Season 6 to Caramel the pixie of Super Strength, magical pet is Chicko, a duckling, and her bonded selkie is Lithia, the gatekeeper of Zenith. She loves science and technology, and she does a lot of experiments in her spare time, as well as computers, video games and dolphins. She also has a photographic memory. She is best friends with Musa and is Timmy's official girlfriend. She is the princess of her home realm, Zenith. She is one of the two balanced fairies, alongside Flora. Her signature colors are purple, lilac, green, and deep blue.

Comida favorita: Espinacas
Color favorito: Azul celeste
Pasatiempo favorito: ¡Videojuegos!
Mascota favorita: Delfines
Novio Ideal: Timmy
Mejores amigos: Musa y Timmy
Películas favoritas: Ciencia Ficción
Me encanta: Inventar
Odio: Nada
Música favorita: ¡Pop y jazz!
Zapatos favoritos: Zapatos confortables
Asignatura favorita: ElectroMágia
Hechizo favorito: Laser Ray

Hada de la música , no puede vivir sin música.  Nació el 30 de mayo en Melodía , su signo de hada es Elfo y su símbolo identificativo e...

Musa Musa

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Hada de la música, no puede vivir sin música. Nació el 30 de mayo en Melodía, su signo de hada es Elfo y su símbolo identificativo es una nota musical. Cuando era pequeña su madre, Wa-Nin, murió de una enfermedad que por falta de dinero su padre, Ho-Boe, no la pudo curar. Después de su muerte Ho-Boe empezó a odiar la música. 

En la primera temporada Riven le declara su amor, pero no es hasta la segunda temporada donde se convierten en novios aunque en la tercera temporada ella menciona que está pensando en terminar con él. Su Pixie es Tune, la Pixie de los buenos modales. Obtiene su Charmix cuando empieza a confiar en Riven (con algo de ayuda de Brandon quien le aconseja confiar en él). Es la tercera en obtener su Enchantix, lo obtiene cuando salva a la princesa de Melodía, Galatea. 

Su instrumento favorito es la flauta. Es tenaz, enérgica, desordenada, irónica, impetuosa y un poco desconfiada. En la cuarta temporada, Musa quiere ser famosa y trabaja con Jason, un productor de música, pero su relación con Riven peligra; terminan, pero después se reconcilian ya que Jason se casa con otra chica y Riven trata de volver a conquistar a Musa. En esta temporada obtiene el Believix con las demás Winx, y en la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas. A Musa le encanta estar con sus amigas e intenta ser agradable con las demás. Musa tiene el cabello azul oscuro. Su nombre proviene de las tres musas de las artes de la mitología griega.

She is the Fairy of Music. Musa gets her strength and energy from all kinds of music and sound. She appears with Asian features with light skin tone, dark blue hair and dark blue eyes. Her hair style in the early seasons is in short pigtails. She also loves all forms of music and can play any type as well. Although she tries to put up a tough front to isolate herself and is often pessimistic, she is a loyal and caring friend. She is the most down-to-earth and outgoing out of the Winx and is never afraid to speak her mind. She comes from the planet Melody, which is a place where its people love all kinds of music, especially Musa, who grew up with music all around her. Her mother, Matlin, was a great singer and her father, Ho-Boe, is a great pianist and could even play the cello. When Musa was young, her mother became really ill and died, so she holds all her memories in her heart. Her best friend is Tecna. Her pixie is Tune, the pixie of manners, who often gets on Musa's nerves since they are almost the exact opposite of each other in terms of personalities and her pixie was changed in Season 6 to Cherie Pixie of Weather, her magical pet is Pepe, a brown bear, and her bonded selkie is Sonna, (she met her when Tritannus turned her into a monster) the gatekeeper of Melody. She is Riven's official girlfriend. Musa and Riven had some difficulties because Riven got jealous and thought Musa was moving on to a more famous life with her music career and would forget about him; Riven then failed to show his support for Musa's dreams; in doing this, he broke her heart and they split up supposedly forever (which she says in the tenth episode of the fourth season), but soon realized they couldn't be apart from each other. Riven then tries to convince her that they love each other a lot, and prove to Musa that he has changed, which inspired her to forgive and finally trust Riven, leading to their reconciliation. She loves and enjoys playing instruments, singing, dancing and making her own music. She is one of the fastest fairies. Her signature colors are red, hot pink, purple, violet and royal blue. Her hair changed throughout the series; in the first season, she has very short pigtails, but onwards from the third season, her hair became straight and waist-length. She is the only fairy not to use her Sirenix wish throughout the fifth and sixth seasons (although she does mention it in "The Problems of Love"). In the first season she was shown to be tomboyish, but in the fourth season she is wearing skirts and has become softer and more caring at heart.

Comida favorita: Comida picante
Color favorito: Amarillo
Pasatiempo favorito: ¡Jugar y cantar!
Mascota favorita: Pececitos de colores
Novio Ideal: Riven, cuando está de buen humor...
Mejores amigos: Tecna y... Riven (cuando está de buen humor)
Películas favoritas: ¡Comedias y videoclips!
Me encanta: Aprender a tocar instrumentos
Odio: Discutir con Riven
Música favorita: ¡Hip-hop, Rap, jazz, rock y música clásica!
Zapatos favoritos: Zapatillas deportivas
Asignatura favorita: Música
Hechizo favorito: Sonic Wave

Es la  princesa del planeta Solaria  y es el hada más popular de Alfea, hija del rey Radius y la reina Luna. Es el  hada del sol y la l...

Stella Stella

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Es la princesa del planeta Solaria y es el hada más popular de Alfea, hija del rey Radius y la reina Luna. Es el hada del sol y la luna (temporadas 1 a 4), y luego pasó a llamarse el hada del sol brillante (temporada 5 en adelante). Nació en Solaria, un planeta lleno de luz el 18 de agosto, su signo de hada es Sirena y su símbolo identificativo es una estrella. Su cabello es rubio y sus ojos castaños.

Ella posee un anillo que es la fuente de su poder y sin él no puede usar sus poderes. El anillo se convierte en un cetro que le da la posibilidad de lanzar ataques más potentes. Es la mejor amiga de Bloom. Ella fue la que hizo que Bloom se enterara de que era una hada, porque Bloom la rescata de un trol, su pixie es Amore, la pixie del amor. Le gusta mucho ir de compras. 

Desde la primera temporada es novia de Brandon aunque al principio ella creía que era el príncipe Sky. Es la segunda en obtener su Charmix al dejar un plan suyo para otra ocasión, también es la segunda en ganar su Enchantix, lo obtiene cuando salva a su padre de un embrujo que le hizo la condesa Casandra con la ayuda de Valtor (en la tercera temporada) y le cuenta varias cosas a Layla de que ella también se siente sola algunas veces. En la cuarta temporada obtiene el Believix con las demás Winx. En la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas. Es espontánea, alegre, y le gustan las fiestas, Brandon y los espejos. 

Su mascota en la cuarta temporada es una perrita llamada Glamour. En la quinta temporada, recibe el poder Harmonix y el poder Sirenix junto a las otras Winx. En la sexta temporada consigue su Bloomix con Layla demostrando valentía, y el Mythix con las demás cuando les otorgan los cetros Mythix. En la séptima temporada consigue el Butterflix con las demás venciendo a un monstruo en el pasado, y el Tynix con las demás Winx.

Stella is the crown princess of Solaria Planet Kingdom; her title is the Fairy of the Shining Sun. She has medium skin tone, golden-blonde hip-length hair and golden brown eyes. She had enrolled at Alfea the year before but was expelled after blowing up the potions lab. Her reason for going to Alfea is to become a real fairy: "successful, beautiful, powerful and universally admired" and also to help others. She loves fashion and shopping; her dream is to be a fashion designer, so she is usually creating fashion-forward outfits for herself and her friends. Her parents, King Radius and Queen Luna are divorced, but she wishes they would get back together.

Comida favorita: Patatas fritas
Color favorito: Verde
Pasatiempo favorito: Comprar, comprar ¡y volver a comprar!
Mascota favorita: Todos los cachorritos...
El novio ideal: Mi maravilloso Brandon...
Mejores amigos: ¡Bloom y Brandon!
Películas favoritas: ¡Comedias!
Me encanta: mmm... ¿¿Ir de compras??
Odio: No ir de compras...
Música favorita: ¡Cualquier cosa que me haga bailar!
Zapatos favoritos: Todos. Unos para cada ocasión.
Asignatura favorita: ¿He de escoger? Metamorfología.
Hechizo favorito: Moon Ray!

Es el  hada de la naturaleza  y es por eso que la ama.  Nació el 1 de marzo en Linphea , su signo de hada es Dríade y su símbolo identi...

Flora Flora

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Es el hada de la naturaleza y es por eso que la ama. Nació el 1 de marzo en Linphea, su signo de hada es Dríade y su símbolo identificativo es una flor.  Ella y Bloom comparten habitación en Alfea, por lo cual son muy amigas. 

En la segunda temporada se hace novia de Helia, que es sobrino de Saladino, pero en la quinta temporada se pone celosa ya que Helia se encuentra con una amiga de cuando eran niños, la princesa de Linphea, y está enamorada de él. Es pensativa, nostálgica, calmada, amable, romantica y un poco insegura. Flora se pone nerviosa fácilmente, pero cuando las otras Winx están en problemas, se las arregla para mantener la calma y ser razonable. A veces, no sabe cómo expresarse, porque ella no quiere empezar las discusiones. 

Su Pixie es Chatta, la pixie de los cotilleos. Obtiene su Charmix cuando le declara su amor a Helia. Es la cuarta en obtener su Enchantix, lo obtiene cuando salva a su hermana Miele en Linphea. En la cuarta temporada obtiene el Believix con las demás Winx. En la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas. Flora fue la primera en obtener su Bloomix rescatando a su hermana, y su Mythix con las demás Winx. Consiguió su Butterflix con las demás en el pasado y su Tynix con las demás, un poder especial para entrar en los mini-mundos. Tiene un largo pelo rubio oscuro y ojos verdes. Le gusta estudiar y siempre trata de hacer las cosas lo mejor posible. Flora también es modesta y compasiva con sus amigas. Si a la naturaleza le "duele" algo, ella absorbe el dolor. Su nombre proviene del término utilizado para describir en sí a las flores en multitud.

Flora is the Fairy of Nature. Her skin tone is tan, honey brown waist-length hair with blonde bangs and narrow jade eyes, and is first introduced as Bloom's roommate, having filled the room with various animated plants. She draws her strength from Earth, flowers, wood, plants and trees. Flora is a very beautiful, brave, kind and sensitive girl with a passion for nature and life. She is also quite intelligent in her own right, sweet, loyal and does not believe in hurting others or the environment. Flora is the wisest, passive and thoughtful of the Winx, and she is always the first to ask how anyone is feeling. She can be very shy and lack self-confidence but, with the help of Helia and her friends, she always can find the strength to do things the others can't. She is fond of plants and nature and her room consequently resembles a greenhouse. She comes from Lynphea, the planet of nature where everybody is relaxed, calmed and peaceful. Her pixie is Chatta, the pixie of gossip. In the third season, it is revealed that Flora has a younger sister named Miele (Rose in the 4kids version). Her magical pet is Coco, a pink cat. Aisha is her best friend. Her bonded selkie is Desiree, the gatekeeper of Lynphea. In "The Spill", Flora sees Sky trying to give Bloom the pendant of Eraklyon. Later, her Selkie, Dessiree finds it, and gives it to Flora, who returns it to Sky. Her Fairy Animal is Amarok the Magiwolf. She is Helia's official girlfriend. Her hobbies are gardening and making magical or even the healing potions. Flora is a balanced fairy in terms of her respective strengths and weaknesses. She loves butterflies and her best friends, and her signature colors are light pink, fuchsia, magenta, lime and green.

Comida favorita: Pasteles caseros
Color favorito: Rosa
Pasatiempo favorito: ¡Jardinería!
Mascota favorita: Mariposas
Novio Ideal: ¡Helia!
Mejores amigos: ¡Layla y Helia!
Películas favoritas: Películas Románticas
Me encanta: Estar con mis plantas
Odio: Ir de compras con Stella
Música favorita: Reggae
Zapatos favoritos: Zapatillas cómodas
Asignatura favorita: Botánica
Hechizo favorito: Giant Nettles

Es la  princesa del planeta Domino , hija del rey Oritel y la reina Marion. Es el  hada de la llama del dragón , el poder que mantiene ...

Bloom Bloom

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Es la princesa del planeta Domino, hija del rey Oritel y la reina Marion. Es el hada de la llama del dragón, el poder que mantiene a la dimensión mágica a salvo de las fuerzas del mal. Ella al principio vivía en la Tierra con sus padres Mike y Vanessa Peters sin saber sus poderes. Descubre sus poderes gracias a Stella, su mejor amiga. Nació el 10 de diciembre en Domino, su signo de hada es Dragón y su símbolo identificativo es un corazón. 

En la primera temporada se convierte en la novia de Sky. También descubre que ella es la última sobreviviente de Domino gracias a su hermana Daphne la Ninfa, y por las malvadas Trix que antes de quitarle sus poderes le revelaron que sus verdaderos padres son Oritel y Marion y que su hermana Daphne sacrificó su vida para salvarla. Es la creadora y líder de las Winx. Su mascota es Kiko, un pequeño conejo azul,y su Pixie es Lockette, la Pixie de los portales. 

Es la primera en obtener su Charmix, lo obtiene cuando recupera la confianza en las Winx y los especialistas. Es la última en obtener su Enchantix, pero no está completo porque solo lo obtiene por su voluntad y no por sacrificio como sus amigas, por lo tanto sus poderes son limitados y no puede hacer cosas como reducirse. Sus poderes se completan en la película cuando salva su planeta natal. En la cuarta temporada consigue su Believix junto con las otras Winx. En la quinta temporada recibe el Harmonix y el Sirenix junto con las otras hadas aunque al principio no siente la conexión con las aguas porque está muy preocupada por Daphne. En la sexta temporada consigue el Bloomix siendo arojada por Diaspro en el vórtice de llamas porque Bloom estaba débil, y consigue el Mythix con las demás. Y en la séptima temporada consigue el Butterfix con las demás en el pasado, venciendo a un monstruo; y el Tynix con las demás, dado por los animales. 

Bloom es divertida, generosa, amable, pelirroja, alegre, de noble corazón y grandes y chispeantes ojos azules. Ella es muy cercana a Roxy ya que descubrieron sus poderes de la misma manera. En la quinta temporada ella tiene problemas con Sky ya que perdió la memoria por causa de las Trix. Cuando empieza la serie tiene 16 años.

Bloom is the Fairy of the Dragon Flame. She has fair skin tone, red waist-length hair and cyan blue eyes. She tries her best to help her friends and is known to be generous, brave, loyal, strong, optimistic, beautiful yet a bit stubborn, insecure and can sometimes be quite impulsive, causing her to never back down from a challenge or obstacle. She has a strong sense of justice.

Bloom was raised on Earth by Mike, who is a fireman, and Vanessa, who is a florist. On her 16th birthday, she discovers she has fairy powers when she tries to help Stella fight off Knut the Ogre and his ghoul minions. She enrolls in Alfea under an alias of a prospective student who had turned down her admission; although she is found out by the staff, she is allowed to stay. There, she founds the Winx along with Stella and their housemates.

She and Sky later become a couple. In the film Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, she discovers she is a princess of the magic world of Domino, and meets her birth parents Oritel and Marion. She accepts Sky's marriage proposal, but during Winx Club 3D: Magical Adventure must deal with some problems with Oritel.

Kiko is Bloom's pet rabbit. He has blue fur with white splashes. He displays an unusually high amount of intelligence for a rabbit, but no one seems to notice. He is able to pass through the magic barrier that blocks outsiders from Alfea. Kiko is suspected through most of the series to have magic powers, which are finally revealed late into the second season. He is also very clumsy and falls a lot. He is voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in the Nickelodeon dub. Her pixie is Lockette, Pixie of Portals (direction in nickelodeon dub), Her magical pet is Belle, a Green Sheep, Serena, Gatekeeper of Domino and her Fairy Animal is Elas the Unicorn.

Comida favorita: Pizza
Color favorito: Rojo
Pasatiempo favorito: ¡Leer libros de hechizos!
Mascota favorita: Mi pequeño Kiko
Novio Ideal: ¡Sky!
Mejores amigos: Stella y... ¡Sky!
Películas favoritas: Comedias Románticas
Me encanta: Jugar con Kiko
Odio: Ordenar mi dormitorio...
Música favorita: Pop
Zapatos favoritos: Cómodos, ¡pero también con mucho estilo!
Asignatura favorita: Pocimología
Hechizo favorito: Dragon's Flame

Very powerful fairies who live out of time and space. They appeared in Season 4 when they gave the Gifts of Destiny to the Winx and proph...

Ethereal Fairies Ethereal Fairies

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Very powerful fairies who live out of time and space. They appeared in Season 4 when they gave the Gifts of Destiny to the Winx and prophesied Nabu's death.

A dimension where the Water Stars, which have the power opposite to that of the Dragon Flame, are kept. It is a place both outside and ...

The Golden Kingdom The Golden Kingdom

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


A dimension where the Water Stars, which have the power opposite to that of the Dragon Flame, are kept. It is a place both outside and inside Time.

The first Fairy to have existed, Arcadia is a leprechaun-like creature.

Ancient Ones
Other inhabitants of the Golden Kingdom include a mermaid-like being, a centaur, and an owl-like creature. Along with Arcadia, they have been alive since the beginning of the Magic Dimension and are guardians of the Water Stars.

Doorway to the Worlds A giant structure in the Legendarium world, which tells the Winx to find the Fantasy Emerald and Silver Spear in or...

Legendarium World Legendarium World

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Doorway to the Worlds
A giant structure in the Legendarium world, which tells the Winx to find the Fantasy Emerald and Silver Spear in order to forge the key to lock the Legendarium. According to Eldora's research, it is considered to be the keeper of all knowledge.

The most cunning, stubborn, and brilliant dwarf. He lives in the clearing of Alfea. He is also very tricky but follows the agreements he makes with others. Due to being exposed in Alfea, he had learnt powerful enchantments when he lived there. Based in part on Rumpelstiltskin from German folklore.

Vampires of the night 
These are normal vampires as they possses powers to control the minds of others and the power to steal any form of magic/basic energy to make them more powerful than the sun. They were defeated by Stella after all her friends were caputured by them by using pure sunlight to eradicate them.

Omnia The supreme guardian of Sirenix who grants the power of Sirenix to fairies who have completed the Sirenix quest and she invites the...

Infinite Ocean Infinite Ocean

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The supreme guardian of Sirenix who grants the power of Sirenix to fairies who have completed the Sirenix quest and she invites the Winx and selkies to enter the infinite ocean after they complete their quest.

Guardian Selkies
Guard the three Pillars of the Infinite Ocean that support the whole Magic Dimension, namely the Pillar of Light, the Pillar of Control and the Pillar of Balance.

A realm populated by dragons . After Tecna was stuck in the Omega Dimension in the third season, Bloom went there to strengthen her pow...

Pyros Pyros

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A realm populated by dragons. After Tecna was stuck in the Omega Dimension in the third season, Bloom went there to strengthen her powers in order to become strong enough to defeat Valtor.

Maia: An ascetic sorceress who lives on Pyros. She is an old friend of Ms. Faragonda.

Buddy: A dragon who lives on Pyros. When Bloom arrives there, Buddy teaches her how to act like a dragon, and Bloom also helps him to find his parents. Buddy is pale green with yellow wings. Compared to the other dragons that are seen on Pyros, he is very small.

The Enchanted Realm, using the White Circle, which is the only key to the realm of the Earth fairies. Loosely based on Tír na nÓg from ...

Tir Nan Og Tir Nan Og

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The Enchanted Realm, using the White Circle, which is the only key to the realm of the Earth fairies. Loosely based on Tír na nÓg from Irish folklore.

Queen Morgana: Former Queen of the Earth Fairies, Rick's wife and Roxy's mother. After the Winx freed the Earth fairies she led the Earth fairies' revenge against the Wizards of the Black Circle for imprisoning them, and against the humans for stopping to believe in them and for damaging nature. At the end, she abdicated her Earth fairy throne and went to live with her husband and daughter in Gardenia.

Queen Nebula: Was one of the majorly powerful terrestrial fairies trapped within the mystical White Circle and Morgana's second in command. She used to be the fairy of peace, but was turned into the fairy of war by her intense rage and vengeance against both humans and the Fairy Hunters. At the end of the fourth season she finally lets go of her anger and becomes the new Queen of the Earth fairies after Morgana abdicates. 

Diana: The major fairy of nature. She lives in the Amazon Forest with the Amazon fairies.

Aurora: The major Earth fairy of the North. She lives in a floating ice palace called the Ice Tower. She possesses incredibly powerful cryokinetic abilities over ice, hail, frost, and snow. Her followers are the Arctic fairies.

Sibylla: The fairy of justice. She escaped from Tir Nan Og and she lives in a cave located in the Sibillini Mountains in Italy, named after her, along with her followers, the Rustic fairies.

Located between the surface of Magix and Downland. A cavernous area that is the location of Lord Darkar's palace, Shadowhaunt, and ...

Lord Darkar's Fortress Lord Darkar's Fortress

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Located between the surface of Magix and Downland. A cavernous area that is the location of Lord Darkar's palace, Shadowhaunt, and the home of the shadow creatures. The stone drains magic and power.

Keborg: A bat-like creature that serves Lord Darkar as a spy. Lord Darkar often transforms Kerborg into large monsters and sends him on important missions.

The Water Nymphs: They are like tiny little mermaids and live in underwater bubbles made of a material that they produce from the leaves ...

Black-Mud Swamp Black-Mud Swamp

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


The Water Nymphs: They are like tiny little mermaids and live in underwater bubbles made of a material that they produce from the leaves of the Xylith plant which grows only on the back of a giant turtle that was in a deep sleep because of a red willow tree that emitted a hypnotic gas growing on its shell.

Queen Algae: The queen of the Water Nymphs.

Lusiz: One of the Water Nymphs. She once went to pick Xylith leaves but fell into a deep sleep because of the red willow. The Winx defeated the tree and saved Lusiz.

Red Willow: A magical plant that grew on the back of a giant turtle. The leader of the Red Willows emitted a gas that made all creatures around it sleep and was defeated by Tecna and Bloom.

Also known as Lake Roccaluce or Lightrock Monistary, it is shown to be located above the Lake Fortress of Light in non-space, the fortr...

The Fortress of Light The Fortress of Light

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Also known as Lake Roccaluce or Lightrock Monistary, it is shown to be located above the Lake Fortress of Light in non-space, the fortress is unreachable for almost anyone except for advanced magicians who can travel through dimensions. It is a temple high above the clouds on a huge and rocky mountain. After season one, the Trix are sent there for unleashing the Army of Darkness on Magix, but are broken out in the second season by Lord Darkar. At the end of season 3, they are captured by the Templars after working with Valtor and are sent to the Prison of Andros.

Templars of Roccaluce: Knight-monks who study Wu-Gong, an ancient martial art that makes them very highly qualified, magic-resistant warriors.

Lord of the Templars: The leader of the templars. He is the one who defeated Lord Darkar and sent him in a 17-year-long slumber after the destruction of Domino.

The Kingdom of Downland King Enervus: Amentia's father, he is very full of himself. He has a red vest, purple top, and is obese, ...

Downland Downland

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The Kingdom of Downland

King Enervus: Amentia's father, he is very full of himself. He has a red vest, purple top, and is obese, as opposed to Amentia's being skinny. His crown is purple, and his loincloth is like Sponsus', but triangular. His sandals are short and gold. He has black hair in a bob and a goatee.

Queen Quoeda: Amentia's mother, she is firm, determined, and strict. She is depicted as obese, with short black and purple hair and blue eyes. Her shirt and necklace are like Amentia's, but sky blue. She has a gold skirt with blue fabric in the middle. Her sandals are like Amentia's and Sponsus'.

Princess Amentia: Tries to marry Brandon in the second season. She is an excellent warrior who will fight to the finish. She is obsessed with perfection and tidiness and is ruthless in pursuit of her goals and impolite in manner, much unlike a fairytale princess. She gets a bit nicer later on, and helps the Winx fight Lord Darkar. After being put under a spell by Amore, she marries Sponsus. Amentia has black hair down to her waist, large orange-brown eyes and medium skin. She wears either: a pink bandeau top, a long maroon skirt, a matching necklace and golden crown or a red dress with gold swirls, a silver pearl belt, and a red hood that becomes a cape. Both outfits have the same red strappy sandals.

Sponsus: Princess Amentia's loyal servant, who is deeply in love with her. He attempts to win her heart by bestowing gifts on her, but she does not return his affections until Amore sneaks one of her special flowers into Amentia's wedding bouquet during her attempted wedding to Brandon. Sponsus has red hair and blue eyes, and wears an orange loincloth and sandals and blue necklace and his hair is styled in a ponytail.

A village in the Dark Forest where the pixies live in the series. In the second season, Lord Darkar wants to locate the village to stea...

Pixie Village Pixie Village

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


A village in the Dark Forest where the pixies live in the series. In the second season, Lord Darkar wants to locate the village to steal the Codex to get to Realix. Icy steals the Codex for him and destroys the village's flower of life. Later on, Flora revives the flower.

Ninfea: The leader of Pixie village, guarding the village's Codex. She guards and protects Pixie Village in the Dark Forest. She is the mother of all the pixies, she loves playing card games but always stays alert. Ninfea is very kind and wears a green gown and has a green staff. Her hair is like Ms. Griffin's, but green.

Jolly: The Pixie of Fortune-Telling, appears in a few episodes and wears a joker-type outfit. She uses a version of tarot cards to tell the future and is Livy's older sister. She also appears in the first movie, helping the Winx. Jolly's visions always come true, but some people don't believe her. 

Livy: The Pixie of Messages and surfs on folded messages. She has a habit of being forgetful, but what she lacks in memory, she makes up in heart. Livy isn't bonded to anyone, maybe because of her duty. In the second season, Livy accidentally reveals the location of the Pixie Village to Icy and Darkar. Sometimes when Livy has to send a message, she gets so excited that she leaves without even knowing what the message is. Her folded message surf board can sense if someone needs to send a message. Livy is one of the few pixies shown to have a family, with Jolly as her sister.

Zing: The Pixie of Bugs. She is known for her comical imitations of numerous famous characters, such as Spider-man, Doctor Octopus, Jujube, and Professor Lupin from Harry Potter. Zing is very hyper. She wears a fluffy scarf around her neck. She seems to be very fond of the Redfountain boys, Brandon in particular, while they are very fond of her too. 

Glim: The Pixie of Fireflies and, like Piff, is still a baby. Glim has wings that look like orange fan-like bugs. When she is happy, her stomach will light up.

Other than Princess Aisha and Prince Nabu, the following characters are from planet Andros. King Teredor & Queen Niobe: Rulers ...

Andros Andros

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Other than Princess Aisha and Prince Nabu, the following characters are from planet Andros.

King Teredor & Queen Niobe: Rulers of the lands of Andros and the parents of Princess Aisha. King Teredor is also the brother of King Neptune.

King Neptune & Queen Ligea: Mermen rulers of the seas of Andros. They are also parents of Crown Prince Nereus, Prince Tritannus and Princess Tressa. King Neptune is also the brother of King Teredor making him the uncle of Princess Aisha.

Crown Prince Nereus: Twin brother of Prince Tritannus. He is Aisha's cousin.

Princess Tressa: A mermaid and an ally to Winx. She is Aisha's cousin.

Anne: A childhood friend of Aisha. She appears in Aisha's flashbacks throughout Seasons 2 & 3. She is frequently mentioned by Aisha during Seasons 2,3 and 5.

Other than Tecna, the following characters are from planet Zenith. King Cryos: is the king of Zenith Magnethia and Electronio: ...

Zenith Zenith

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Other than Tecna, the following characters are from planet Zenith.

King Cryos: is the king of Zenith

Magnethia and Electronio: Tecna's parents

Other than Musa, the following characters are from Melody. Ho-Boe: Musa's father. He used to be a musician until the death of h...

Melody Melody

WinxClubAll publish worldwide news about the italian series Winx Club. Official Fan Club Member since 2013.


Other than Musa, the following characters are from Melody.

Ho-Boe: Musa's father. He used to be a musician until the death of his dearly beloved wife.

Matlin: Musa's deceased mother. She was a musician, opera singer and artistic performer.

Galatea: A fairy with light blonde hair and is the Princess of the one of the planets in the harmonic realm. She has a cream-colored fairy outfit with darker cream-colored wings shaped like treble clefs with gold trimming. Her civilian outfit is a lilac dress and a golden crown. In episode 10 of season 3, the Trix force her to take them to Alfea's spell chamber so they can steal its spells. Icy is shown freezing and breaking Galatea's wings when she tries to escape. When Galatea tries to save the scrolls and books from a fire that Darcy starts, she is overcome by smoke. Musa sacrifices herself by not leaving Galatea and earns her Enchantix.

Diletta: The Headmistress of the Golden Auditorium, a prestigious music academy found of Melody. She is a friend of Daphne.